Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting (MIAM)
This can be done face to face or remotely by Zoom, phone or Skype.
If you want to go to court to settle any separation or divorce issues, it is now, in almost all cases, a legal requirement to attend a MIAM. Your ex-partner or the other person involved is also expected to attend a MIAM.
These meetings can be held separately from your ex-partner, although you can go to the meeting together if you prefer. Like all matters in mediation, the choice is yours. Time will always be spent with each person on their own, to make sure that they have made their own decision to come to mediation and are not at any risk of any abuse.
A MIAM gives you and your mediator an opportunity to discuss your situation and gain a better understanding of your thoughts, priorities and expectations.
A MIAM gives you the opportunity to have your voice heard.
A MIAM gives you the opportunity to obtain answers to your questions.
Should you decide you need to take the legal route, your attendance at a MIAM proves to the court that you have made an informed decision.
If you and your ex-partner agree to try mediation, then an appointment is made for your first mediation session.
If you do not wish to start mediation, or it is not suitable for your circumstances, the mediator will be able to discuss the other options open to you and sign the relevant court form to show that you have considered mediation. This means that you can take your case to court, if that’s what you choose.
Fees: £95 per person